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Emma Black finished an MPHIL in 2017 at University of Queensland with the thesis "After Misology: Speculations on Kant, Heidegger, and Deleuze." She is co-founder of the Queensland School of Continental Philosophy, and one half of >ect — an online podcast series tackling recent trends in philosophy and techno-politics. She is author of "#Accelerate's Feminist Prototypes." Platform Journal of Media and Communications. 6.2. (2015). pp. 33-45. |
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Martin Black has taught MSCP courses on Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, and modern philosophy. His PHD on Plato was supervised by Stanley Rosen, and he has since edited two volumes of the latter's essays, and is presently editing Rosen’s rediscovered MS on Plato’s Phaedrus. He has also published essays on Plato, the crisis of modernity, and self-knowledge, and is working on a book on Plato. He has lectured in the philosophy, government, and classics departments of Suffolk University and in philosophy at Boston College. |
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Sherah Bloor is a PhD candidate at Harvard University, where she studies 18th century philosophy of religion and history of medicine. For seven glorious years she served as MSCP’s administrator. |
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Andy Blunden's interest lies in using the Marxist psychology of Lev Vygotsky to appropriate Hegel's philosophy, particularly the Logic, as a foundation for social theory. His book An Interdisciplinary Theory of Activity was pubished by Brill in April 2010. Andy has given courses in Hegel and Marx at MSCP Winter Schools and is Secretary of the Marxists Internet Archive http://www.marxists.org. Website: http://home.mira.net/~andy/ |
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Dr Robert Boncardo recently completed a PhD at the University of Sydney and at L’Université d’Aix-Marseille 1 in France. His thesis dealt with philosophical and political readings, by 20th century French thinkers including Sartre, Kristeva, Badiou and Rancière, of the late-19th century poet Stéphane Mallarmé. At the MSCP he has taught on phenomenology, French currents of Marxism and literary theory. He is currently extending the work of his thesis to include the interventions of Jean-Claude Milner and Quentin Meillassoux. |
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Dr Gilles Bouche holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne. His philosophical education has taken him from Luxembourg and Berlin to Melbourne and Pittsburgh and from Kant, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche to Brandom. It will take him from Brandom to Hegel. Gilles has taught two courses for the MSCP, "Brandom and the Continental Tradition" with Andrew Montin in 2008 and "Brandom's Linguistic Rationalism" in 2011. His dissertation was half commentary on, half reconstruction of the major part of Brandom's work. |
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Paul Daniels has studied philosophy at the University of Melbourne, UNSW and Monash University. His research has focused on Nietzsche's early and late writings, Schopenhauer's critique of Kant, and Wittgenstein's early philosophy of language. More broadly, his interest lies with the intersections of art, language and the limits of philosophy. Paul has taught several MSCP courses: 'Reading Nietzsche's Zarathustra' (2005), 'An Introduction to Schopenhauer' (2007), 'Nietzsche and The Birth of Tragedy' (2008) and 'Meaning and Metaphor in Nietzsche and Wittgenstein' (2009). He also lectured at the 2009 Winter School course 'Kant's Critical Philosophy', which he convened. He has written on Kant's aesthetics and ethics, and is the author of Nietzsche and The Birth of Tragedy (Acumen, 2012). Paul was Convenor of the MSCP from 2007 - 2009. Apart from philosophy, Paul enjoys playing piano, composing music, restoring furniture, and kicking back with the odd cigar. |
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Dr Emily Finlay is an Adjunct Research Associate working in the European Philosophy Research Unit (EPRU) at Monash. Her PhD, 'Inappropriations: Maurice Blanchot and Georges Bataille', was awarded through The University of Sydney. The thesis explored the philosophical legacy of appropriation underlying the political and ethical positions of these two writers with particular attention to the presence of Kojève, Heidegger and Nietzsche within their works. |
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Joanne Faulkner is an ARC Research Fellow at UNSW. |
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Dr Maurita Harney is an Honorary Senior Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Melbourne. She has taught philosophy at the ANU, where she convened Australia’s first phenomenology conference in 1976, and at the University of Melbourne, and Swinburne University. Her current interests include phenomenology and neuroscience, embodied cognition and biosemiotics. http://unimelb.academia.edu/MauritaHarney |
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Marc Hiatt has taught courses for the MSCP on Descartes, Kant and Adorno, and served briefly as its convenor. |
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Desmonda Lawrence is a freelance writer, poet, and lecturer. Her research and teaching specialties include ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of literature, criticism, and poetics. Desmonda has worked in community arts teaching writing and has held numerous poetry residencies in Western Australia. She holds a BA (Hons) from the University of Notre Dame, Western Australia, awarded with a prizewinning dissertation on a reading of Fernando Pessoa's The Book of Disquiet in conjunction with Heidegger on boredom. She received her PhD from The University of Melbourne in 2018, with a dissertation on the ancient quarrel between philosophy and poetry: its origins and contemporary iterations. She has lectured in introductory courses on philosophy and ethics at UNDA, Fremantle, and has tutored in various philosophical disciplines at Melbourne and Monash Universities. Desmonda has taught courses at the MSCP on Fernando Pessoa, and on Philosophy and Poetry. |
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After doing her undergrad studies in Colombia, Andrea Leon Montero did her MA and PhD studies at the New School for Social Research and also at Potsdam Universität. Her attention is focused on practical subjectivity, aka "the ethical subject". To that effect, the road has been complicated: Hegel, Habermas, Honneth and the classical Frankfurt School lead to psychoanalysis (Freud and Lacan) and in the last years, she has been working through the work of Emmanuel Lévinas. She has taught philosophy at Universidad de Antioquia, La Trobe and MSCP, all in late modern and contemporary philosophy. At the MSCP, she has taught two introductory courses on Lévinas and keeps mentioning a book on responsibility based on Weber, Jonas, Derrida and Lévinas. |
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James Muldoon teaches critical theory at Monash University. He is currently writing a thesis on the concept of the drives in Hegel's philosophy. His research interests include contemporary critiques of capitalism, 20th century French philosophy, Early German Romanticism and philosophical aesthetics. He has published on Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault, and Maurizio Lazzarato. |
Connal Parsley publishes and teaches in jurisprudence, critical legal theory and political philosophy. He is a doctoral candidate at the Melbourne Law School, writing a jurisprudence of the person through a consideration of the intersection between concepts of image and law in the writing of Giorgio Agamben. He is currently translating Roberto Esposito's 1988 Categories of the Impolitical, and he is co-convenor of New Natures, an ongoing lecture series on the theme "law, life, nature." |
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David Rathbone has a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in HPS from MU; an MA in philosophy from the NSSR in NYC; and a Ph.D. in philosophy from MU. He was a founding member of the MSCP in 2002, and has taught MSCP courses on Parmenides, Hegel, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Bergson, Whitehead and Deleuze. He taught the course Nietzsche and the Dream of Reason in the School of Philosophy at MU from its inception in 2003 until 2008, and has run lecture series at the National Gallery of Victoria on Goethe, Klimt and Wittgenstein, Simone de Beauvoir, Norman and Jack Lindsay, and Napolean. His Master's thesis "Nihilism. Metaphysics and the Question concerning Gender" compared Nietzsche's ravings about women to Heidegger's almost complete silence on the topic, and his Ph.D. thesis "The Imperative to See the Whole" retraced Heidegger's deconstruction of the history of ontology in order to locate the root of his Nazism in his paradigm of purity, maintaining that hermeneutic phenomenology could be retained if rethought under a paradigm of mixture instead. This has led him to rediscover the trails blazed by Bergson and by Whitehead, and he is currently attempting to elaborate a vector theory of time. His work can be found on his Academia page: https://unimelb.academia.edu/ |
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David Sweeney: "I have studied, taught and worked at the University of Melbourne for the last decade. In 2009 I finished a master’s thesis in which I looked at the Calculus of Newton and Leibniz through the lens of paraconsistent logic (logic in which contradictions are allowed). In 2011 and 2012 I taught summer courses in the history of mathematics for the MSCP. A central part of these courses was that peerless contribution to the history of mathematics, Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra by Jacob Klein. I have an interest in the following thinkers and ideas: Jacques Rancière (equality, education), Diophantus of Alexandria and Jacob Klein (what were the ancient Greeks up to with their science of number), Rudolf Steiner (knowledge), Ivan Illich (what is modernity, education) and Helen Verran (number)." |
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Dr Marion Tapper lectured in Philosophy at the University of Melbourne for over two decades and formally joined the MSCP in 2004. Her interests include the history of philosophy, existentialism and phenomenology (in particular, Kant, Husserl, Heidegger and Sartre). As a senior lecturer in the Department of Philosophy she supervised the postgraduate work of many present day MSCP members. She ran the Lives of the Philosophers public lectures and has co-organised MSCP events including the Sartre Colloquium in October of 2005, which included a performance of Huis Clos (held in conjunction with the Department of French, Italian and Spanish Studies and the Department of Philosophy). |
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Sean Ryan has lectured and tutored French and German philosophy at the University of Melbourne for the past 10 years. He holds an MA and PhD from the University of Melbourne. He currently teaches at RMIT in the Design dept. |
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Cameron Shingleton completed an honours thesis in German on Nietzsche's reading of the Pre-Socratics in "Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks". He is the author of a PhD on Nietzsche's many and varied conceptions of philosophy, a collection of aphorisms, and translations from the German of Karl Kraus. As convenor of the MSCP from 2005 to 2007, he kick-started the MSCP's History of Philosophy series, as well as inventing and teaching MSCP's inaugural Evening School series, "Global Warming: Science, Politics, Ethics". An assortment of his writings is to be found at his blog, "The Great Stage". |
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Mark Tomlinson holds a BA (Hons.) in English and Philosophy, as well as a Diploma in Modern Languages (French). His chapter, 'Nehamas's Nietzsche', recently appeared in Interpreting Nietzsche: Reception & Influence (Continuum, 2011) |
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Jessica Whyte is a Lecturer in Cultural and Social Analysis at the University of Western Sydney, Australia. She has published widely on contemporary continental philosophy (Agamben, Foucault, Rancière), theories of sovereignty and biopolitics, critical legal theory and critiques of human rights. Her current research is on the emergence of the “right to intervene” in the practices of the new activist humanitarian NGOs of the 1970s, and its transformation into a legitimising discourse for state militarism. Her book, Catastrophe and Redemption: The Political Thought of Giorgio Agamben, will be published by SUNY in 2013. |
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Prof. Ian Weeks taught two courses on Medieval Philosophy for the MSCP in 2008-09. |
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Ashley Woodward received a B.A. (hons.) from La Trobe University and a PhD in philosophy from the University of Queensland. His philosophical interests focus on problems of value, particularly existential meaning and aesthetics, and his research has dealt particularly with Lyotard, Baudrillard, Vattimo, Deleuze, and the interpretation and influence of Nietzsche. His books include Nihilism in Postmodernity (Davies Group, 2009), Understanding Nietzscheanism (Acumen, 2011), the edited collection Interpreting Nietzsche (Continuum 2011), and the co-edited volumes Sensorium (Cambridge Scholars 2007), The Continuum Companion to Existentialism (Continuum, 2011), and Gilbert Simondon: Being and Technology (Edinburgh UP, 2012). He is also an editor of the journal Parrhesia. He currently teaches philosophy at the University of Dundee, Scotland. His website can be found here. |
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Prof. James Williams's interests are in contemporary French philosophy (Deleuze, Lyotard, Foucault, Kristeva, Derrida, Badiou, Postmodernism and Poststructuralism) and in aesthetics, political philosophy, metaphysics and the history of philosophy (Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, Nietzsche and Whitehead). He taught a course on Gilles Deleuze's The Logic of Sense in the MSCP Summer School 2009.