About the MSCP Members

aj-bartlett A. J. Bartlett has published extensively on the work of Alain Badiou, Jacques Lacan, Plato and education. Books include, Lacan, Deleuze, Badiou with Justin Clemens and Jon Roffe, (EUP 2014), Badiou and Plato: an education by truths (EUP 2011) and the edited collections Alain Badiou: Key Concepts (Acumen 2010) with Justin Clemens and The Praxis of Alain Badiou (re.press 2006).



Lucy Benjamin received her PhD in comparative literature from the University of London. Her dissertation on Arendt, Heidegger, and climate change sought to interrogate the conditions for human rights in the age of eco-crisis. She has published primarily on Arendt, Benjamin, and Cavarero. In a previous life, she wrote on film theory and aesthetics and maintains a keen interest in the ways visual images and film can disrupt the conditions for thinking.


Dr Justin Clemens's research focuses upon the relation of the subject to its discourses, to poetry and art, mathematics, love and politics. He has published extensively on such contemporary thinkers as Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Jacques Lacan, and Jacqueline Rose, as well as on Spinoza, Kant and Nietzsche. He teaches at the University of Melbourne.


Bryan Cooke is a Leading Tutor in Humanities (Philosophy) at Ormond College. He is currently writing a thesis about the connections between contemporary french Rationalism (Badiou, Meillassoux, Lacan), German Idealism and contemporary Marxism. Bryan has taught nine full courses including courses on Adorno, Malabou, Spinoza, Hegel and Badiou He has tutored at Swinburne University, Medley Hall; Newman, Trinity, and St. Mary's College and has lectured in political philosophy at Deakin University, Geelong. Apart from Plato, he is heavily influenced by Badiou, Hegel, Spinoza, Adorno, Augustine, Giorgio Agamben and Quentin Meillassoux. He is currently writing a book with Robert Boncardo on Badiou's 'Theory of the Subject' and is  the host of the podcast "Philosophy Can Ruin Your Life".  


James Garrett James Garrett (Webmaster, Publicity Officer) received his PhD in Philosophy from the University of Melbourne. His thesis was on the early Heidegger's reading of Aristotle. He has an MA in critical theory (on Plato's reading of Heraclitus) from Monash. His areas of interest are in Greek and German Philosophy, principally focused on the foundations of philosophy. He has taught MSCP courses on the Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle and Heidegger.  During daylight hours he works as a web developer.



Merlyn currently has no bio.



Luara Karlson-Carp (Secretary) speculatively refabulates feminism, psychoanalysis and Marxism via contemporary realisms. She teaches across the humanities at the University of Melbourne where she is a postgraduate research candidate. She holds undergraduate degrees in gender studies and jazz performance, and completed her honours thesis in philosophy at the University of Melbourne. Her most recent academic publication can be found in a forthcoming special issue of Technophany, Techne and Feminism. She is a member of the Executive Committee of the Luce Irigaray Circle.


Matt Keyter

Matt Keyter has been a member of the MSCP executive since 2017, holding the role of Administrator 2017 - 20 and Treasurer 2020 - present. He studied PPE at La Trobe. He founded Pell Mell Press in 2021 (with works due in late 2022). Matt's idiosyncrasies are 1) an interest in the modes of affect of thought, and 2) the idea of what a just Australian philosophy might be.



Caitlyn Lesiuk (Convenor) is a PhD candidate at Deakin University. She recently spent a period of her candidature as a visiting researcher and junior lecturer at the American University of Paris. Publications include articles in Philosophy and Social Criticism, Jacobin, Cordite, and Angelaki (forthcoming), and book chapters in The Oxford Handbook of Modern French Philosophy, Nietzsche, Art, and Philosophy: 150 Years of Tragedy, and Perspectives on Artistic Agency from Contemporary French Philosophy (forthcoming). Her primary fields of interest are 20th Century French philosophy, the history of meta-philosophy, and the intersection of philosophy and art.


Jon Roffe was the original convenor of the MSCP and has been a long-time lecturer. He is the co-editor of Understanding Derrida (Continuum) and Deleuze's Philosophical Lineage (EUP) and the author of Badiou's Deleuze (Acumen).  His work concerns twentieth century and contemporary French philosophy, and he has published on range of figures in this context, including Badiou, Deleuze, Merleau-Ponty and Meillassoux.


Lachlan Wells currently holds the position of Administrator at the MSCP. His research considers the problem of articulating what philosophical thought consists of, and what that means for the history of philosophy, focussing in particular on how this problem was staged in post-war French thought. He is currently writing a PhD thesis on Jean Hyppolite.


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