Colloquium: Jean-Claude Milner

A public lecture and mini-conference in Melbourne July 2017

milner200x200Jean-Claude Milner is a distinguished French philosopher and public intellectual who has made exceptional contributions to the fields of linguistics, literature, philosophy and psychoanalysis. He has published books and articles on syntax and grammar, Lacanian psychoanalysis, French and English literature, and political movements and social change in Europe. In a manner typical of his wide-ranging interests, Milner’s recent work has addressed antisemitism in Europe, reflections on the French revolution and the politics of Harry Potter.

Jean-Claude Milner is Emeritus Professor of Linguistics at the Paris Diderot University and is attached to the Levinas Study Institute in Paris. His publications include: For the Love of Language (1978);Ordres et raisons de langue (1982); Les Noms indistincts (1983); De l’école (1984); Détections fictives (1985); Introduction à une science du langage (1989); Archéologie d’un échec (1993); L’Œuvre claire: Lacan, la science et la philosophie (1995); Le Salaire de l’idéal (1997); Le Triple du plaisir (1997); Mallarmé au tombeau (1999); Les penchants criminels de l'Europe démocratique (2003); Existe-t-il une vie intellectuelle en France? (2002); Le Périple structural, Figures et paradigmes (2002); Le Pas philosophique de Roland Barthes (2003); La politique des choses (2005); Le Juif de savoir (2007); L'arrogance du présent : Regards sur une décennie, 1965-1975 (2009); Harry Potter. À l'école des sciences morales et politiques (2014); Relire la révolution (2016) ; and Considérations sur la France (2017).

The colloquium will commence with a keynote lecture by Jean-Claude Milner and will be followed by three panels on literature, philosophy and psychoanalysis. This is the first colloquium in an English-speaking country on Jean-Claude Milner’s work.

These events have both reached capacity - registration is no longer available. Due to popular demand we have moved the public lecture to a larger venue.  Do take note of the revised venue details below.


MONDAY 3 JULY - Public Lecture

6pm – 8pm

Building 80, Level 2, Lecture Theatre 2
445 Swanston Street Melbourne
RMIT University, City Campus

Jean-Claude Milner Why did Lacan’s thought play a role in the political fight against the populist trend in the French elections?

Hosted by the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy & the Centre for Communication, Politics and Culture, (CPC), RMIT University


TUESDAY 4 JULY  - Colloquium

Deakin Downtown
Level 12, Tower 2
727 Collins Street
Melbourne Victoria 3008
Deakin University

8:30                      Coffee

9:00 – 10:10         Keynote: Jean-Claude Milner, A critical assessment of my own approach to Lacan’s later work

10:10 – 10:30      Coffee

10:30 – 12:00      LITERATURE

  • Robert Boncardo (Sydney) Milner’s Mallarmé
  • Christian Gelder (UNSW) 'The Horrid Voice of Science': Modernism, Prosody, Galileanism
  • Sigi Jottkandt (UNSW) 'Au tombeau’ with Mallarme, Milner and Nabokov

12:00 – 1:30         Lunch break (own arrangements)

1:30 – 3:00           PHILOSOPHY & POLITICS

  • Justin Clemens (Melbourne) Knowledge Between Persecution and Extermination
  • Knox Peden (ANU) Naming Names
  • Ali Alizadeh (Monash) The Rereader: Jean-Claude Milner and the French Revolution

3:00 – 3:20           Coffee

3:20 – 4:50           PSYCHOANALYSIS

  • David Ferraro (Lacan Circle of Melbourne)  Science's man does not exist: Psychoanalysis, scientism, and the structuralist project
  • Talia Morag (Deakin) Psychoanalysis and the Evaluation of (un)Wellbeing
  • Russell Grigg (Deakin) On Lacan, language and lalangue

5:00 – 5:30           Comments by Jean-Claude Milner

The Colloquium is part of Jean-Claude Milner’s visit to Melbourne sponsored by the Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Deakin University, and the Lacan Circle of Melbourne.


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