- Plague Proportions
- Past Courses
- Minimal Communism: Love and Politics in Alain Badiou
- Carl Schmitt on the Question of Sovereignty and the Political
- Introduction to a Philosophy of Opacity (or, Transparency and its Discontents)
- Putting the Psycho Back in Psychoanalysis: Sigmund Freud, Lou Salomé and Sabina Spielrein
- Corridor of Mirrors: Perceiving algorithmic behaviour patterns through Rene Girard’s mimetic theory
- Introduction to the thought of Jacques Derrida
- The Metaphysical System in Kant, Heidegger, Derrida and Nancy
- Wittgenstein, Language, Madness: Reading Philosophical Investigations §§1-242
- Introduction to the work of Jean Hyppolite
- Taking on Another’s World: Encountering Others and Aesthetic Artefacts in Merleau-Ponty
- Education: The priority of philosophy
- Nick Land’s Accelerationist Philosophy
- The Works of Gilles Deleuze Part Two
- Phenomenology of Happiness in Edmund Husserl’s Thought
- After Hegel, Before Kant: Universality and Particularity between Freedom and Domination
- The Passion for Formalization: Structural Materialisms in 20th Century Epistemology and Ontology
- Philosophy of the Semiotic: On Julia Kristeva’s Early Work
- An Introduction to Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
- What does Plato talk about when he talks about love?
- Reason Strikes Back: New Rationalisms
- Knowledge Cultures: Rethinking Epistemology From African And Indigenous Australian Perspectives
- Cosmopolitanism and Peace: Kant’s Political Writings
- The Freedom of the Devil: power, politics and critique from Hobbes to de Sade
- Works of Gilles Deleuze (part 1)
- Camus’ Absurdism and African Perspectives on the Question of Life’s Meaning
- A Critique of Keynesian Rationality: From Philosophy, to Ethics, to Macroeconomic Management
- Embodiment and Feminist Theory
- The Philosophy of Madness
- Being and Time in 5 Weeks
- Nietzsche’s Will to Power
- Introduction to the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas: Ethics as First Philosophy and the Image
- 808s and Breakthroughs: Blackness as a Blueprint for Navigating the Virtual Age
- Marxist Adventures in Poetry
- Metaphysical Poetry
- Uninhabited: Science Fiction and Decolonialism
- Raymond Ruyer’s Cybernetics and the Origin of Information
- Outside the Head: From Abstraction to Subtraction
- Political Economy: From Justice to Neoliberalism
- People Think: Sylvain Lazarus’ Anthropology of the Name
- The Early Works of G.W.F. Hegel
- Film and the Philosophy of Sense: An Introduction to French Film Theory and Philosophy
- Jacques Derrida’s Ethics and Politics of Hospitality
- Creative Writing Workshop: Narrative Prose
- The Will to Style: critical seminars on the false problems of fiction
- Technics And Time 4: Bernard Stiegler’s Unpublished Manuscript
- The phenomenology of elementary form: Plato’s theory of knowledge and his method of dialectic
- We were dead before the ship even sank: reflections from undead life
- Visions of the Virtual: Bergson, Whitehead, Deleuze
- Land and Death: Responses to Colonial Violence
- Elegiac Poetry: Who Mourns and How
- Love Poetry
- The Spirits of Surrealism between Hegel and Schreber
- The Works of Lyotard - Part 1
- “The South of the North and the West of the East”: A Decolonial Lens.
- Reading Capital Vol. 1
- The Development of Hegel and Nagarjuna’s Dialectic
- Reading Walter Benjamin’s “Theses on the Concept of History”
- Jacques Derrida’s Ethics and Politics of Mourning
- Hegel for Social Movements
- To the Higher Infinite! The Mathematical Ontology of The Immanence of Truths
- African Humanism, Decoloniality and Alternative Ontology
- Deleuze in Hollywood: Towards a Genealogy of Genre
- The Event of Being and Event: to change the world… (from go to woe!)
- The Works of Gilles Deleuze part 2
- Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
- Genealogy of postcritique: the critic, the university, and the crisis of crisis
- Rilke’s Sonnets to Orpheus: the sound of modernity
- Nietzsche’s Children: The Nietzschean Impulse & the 20th Century Avant-Garde
- The Poetics of Rebellion in Australasia
- Gilbert Simondon’s Individuation in light of notions of form and information
- Continental Philosophy of Information
- The Body and its Discontents (the body that arrived late in Lacan)
- Ettingerian Psychoanalysis and the Anti-Oedipal Rift
- Philosophy and Love
- The Spirit/s of Surrealism between Hegel and Schreber
- Stephen Jay Gould vs the World
- Introduction to Jacques Derrida
- Introduction to the work of Peter Sloterdijk
- Nietzsche’s The Gay Science
- Bernard Stiegler on Art and Cinema
- Athens and Jerusalem: A Theologico-Political shtrom through Jewish philosophy
- The Works of Gilles Deleuze part I
- Interpretations of Nietzsche
- History of Philosophy III: Aristotle – The Practical Philosophy
- Global Warming: The Science and its Implications
- Images of Nature: A Philosophical Introduction to an Environmental Ethics
- Nietzsche and The Birth of Tragedy: Music, Science and Philosophy
- History of Philosophy II: Plato and His Contemporaries
- Women in Dark Times
- Emmanual Lévinas: Philosophy of Radical Alterity
- Thinking the Analytical/Continental Divide
- The Pleasures: of Political Philosophy and Other Interruptions
- Alain Badiou’s Being and Event
- History of Philosophy I: The Pre-Socratics
- Postmodern Conservatism
- Contemporary Cultural Conundrums
- French Feminism
- Deleuze and Guattari’s A Thousand Plateaus
- Psychoanalysis - A Philosophy of Mind?
- History of Philosophy 6: Empiricism
- Hegel: The Whole Picture
- History of Philosophy V: The Modern Rationalists
- Adorno: the defense of Geist
- Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus
- Medieval Philosophy
- Nietzsche, History, Democracy
- The Thought of Martin Heidegger
- History of Philosophy I: The preSocratics
- An Introduction to Existentialism
- An Introduction to Continental Philosophy
- Leo Strauss and the Neo Cons: Secrets, (Noble) Lies, and Politics
- Reading Nietzsche's Zarathustra - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche
- The thought of Michel Foucault
- Baudrillard, Bataille, Derrida: Marcel Mauss' gift to Continental Philosophy
- The philosophy of Gilles Deleuze
- Philosophy As Public Art
- The Phenomenology Of The Body
- Jacques Derrida Circa 1972
- Kant And Psychoanalysis – Zizek's (vanishing) Mediations
- Jean Baudrillard: Excursions In Hyperreality
- Introducing Critical Theory
- Themes from Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus
- Capitalism and Schizophrenia
- Ideology and Aesthetics
- Jean-Francois Lyotard: the sublime and the differend
- Martin Heidegger: An introduction to his ‘way’ of thinking
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- Hegel’s Phenomenology of Mind
- Recent Continental Rationalism
- Marx and Marxism
- Kant's Critical Philosophy 1 and 2
- Deleuze's Difference and Repetition
- Meaning and Metaphor in Nietzsche and Wittgenstein
- Max Weber - Social Philosopher
- Spinoza's Ethics
- History of Philosophy II: Plato
- Heidegger's Aristotle
- Maurice Blanchot: literature and the ambiguity of the negative
- Lévinas and Derrida: another time at the anarche of subjectivity
- The Philosophy of Alain Badiou
- European Philosophy and The Law
- Jacob Klein: Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra
- Brandom's Linguistic Rationalism
- Deleuze and Cinema
- Phenomenology meets the Neurosciences
- Jacques Lacan: An Introduction
- Aesthetics: A Philosophical Introduction
- Deleuze Seminar Part 1
- Alfred Hitchcock and the Unstable Image
- Marcel Gauchet: Religion and Modernity
- Sartre and Sexuality
- Heidegger’s Being and Time
- An Introduction to Aristotle
- A Reading of Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil
- What is Phenomenology?
- Nietzsche and The Birth of Tragedy: The Dionysiac Critique of Modernity
- Deleuze Seminar Part 2
- Kant’s Transcendental Idealism: The Critique of Pure Reason read through Dreams of a Spirit-Seer
- Early Derrida: An Introductory Course
- Foucault’s Critique of Neoliberalism
- The Inhuman Condition : Nihilism / Information / Art
- Philosophy in Ancient Greek Theatre
- Mallarmé and the Philosophers
- History of Mathematics: Stories Retold, Stories Forgotten
- Introduction to Freud
- Changing Images of Knowledge in Modernity
- The ‘Singular Universal’: Jean-Paul Sartre’s ‘Existential Biographies’
- The Early Wittgenstein: Mysticism and the Limits of Philosophy
- Occupolitics: Political Theory and Practice in the 21st Century
- Hegel: Philosopher of the Modern: A reading of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
- Contingency, Irony, and Trust: An Introduction to Rorty and Brandom
- Plato on the Soul, Being and eros: A Discussion of the Parmenides, Symposium, and Phaedo
- The Foundations of Modernity: Readings in Early Modern Philosophy
- Poetry, Philosophy, Politics: Julia Kristeva’s Revolution in Poetic Language
- Philosophising Cinematic Montage
- The Antichrist Saints: Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Sartre
- Freedom, Knowledge and the Philosophy of the Young Rudolf Steiner
- Philosophy as a Way of Life from The Stoics to Nietzsche
- Deleuze Seminar III: Difference and Repetition and A Thousand Plateaus
- Biopolitics as a System of Thought
- The Philosophy of Gnosticism
- The Philosophy of Scale: Levels, Layers, and Abstract Domains
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Medium
- Prophet Zarathustra
- African Political Philosophies
- The Clamour of Being: Badiou vs Deleuze
- Rilke’s Duino Elegies: what are poets for?
- Badiou’s Fidelities
- The Rise of Neorationalism: From Speculative Realism to Speculative Critique
- The Sublime: An Environmental Perspective
- To Think the Absolute — Gillian Rose’s Speculative Philosophy
- Murnane and his precursors
- Deleuze’s Nietzsche
- Ecstasis, memory, otherness - Phenomenologies of Time
- Strange Educations: Loyola, Rousseau, de Sade & Fourier
- Jacques Lacan: From the divided subject to the encounter with the real
- Education: Plato's Body of Truth
- Kant's Philosophy of Education
- Sound and Vision: The Cinema of Jean-Luc Godard
- Althusser's Legacy
- Kant's Metaphysics
- Sartre: There Are Only Singular Absolutes
- Deleuze's Empiricism and Subjectivity
- Georges Bataille
- Hegel and Politics: Dialectics of the Will
- Philosophy and Development: Who speaks for the poor?
- Aristotle's Aporetic Ontology
- Biosemiotics – A Philosophical Introduction
- Philosophy, Biology and the Imagination
- In the Light of Speed: The Thought of Paul Virilio
- The Literary Remains of René Descartes
- Hitchcock and Theory: The French Connection
- Deleuze Seminar IV: What is Philosophy?
- An Introduction to Deleuze's Film-Philosophy: The Movement Image
- Philosophies of Cinematic Presence
- Introduction to Jacques Rancière (2 part course)
- The Works of Gilles Deleuze (Deleuze Seminar VII Part 1)
- Alain Badiou's Big Books Part 3: Logics of Worlds
- Later Heidegger
- Several Matters of Life and Death: The Crux between Classical and Modern Philosophy (Happiness, Death, Nobility, Science, and Poetry)
- John Milton's Paradise Lost (1667, 1674)
- Henri Bergson: Tendency and Time
- Key Philosophical Attitudes
- From the Market of Information to the Pharmacology of the Gift: Extensions of Stieglerian Neganthropology
- The Fold: Deleuze and Leibniz
- Chaosmos Refracted: The Schizophrenic Ecologies of Félix Guattari
- Grown Wrong: Biophilosophy after Darwin
- Ethico-political engagement and the self-constituting subject in Foucault
- Deleuze's Foucault
- Bakhtin’s Voices and Official Culture
- Shoshana Zuboff’s ‘The Age of Surveillance Capitalism’
- The Three Conversions of Bernard Stiegler: An Overview
- Political Keywords of Emancipatory Politics
- Stoicism as a Social Philosophy
- Possibility and Contradiction: An Introduction to Hegel’s Doctrine of Essence
- Emmanuel Levinas: Reimagining Subjectivity and Ethics
- German Romanticism: Literature as Life
- Luce Irigaray: The philosophy of sexual difference and women in film
- The World Does Not Exist: What this means and why it matters
- Deleuze and Guattari’s What is Philosophy? A retrospective
- A Sceptical Style: Wit and Laughter
- Heidegger’s Letter on Humanism
- Simone de Beauvoir: Philosophy and Feminism
- Lifeforms
- A Human Geometry: The Films of Hal Hartley
- Nancy Fraser: neoliberalism, identity politics, feminism and class struggle
- Frantz Fanon and Achille Mbembe: The Legacies of Colonialism
- Heidegger’s Identity and Difference
- Philosophy and Protest
- Proust Among the Philosophers
- Forms of Rationalism and its Adversaries: Bridging The Gap between Continental and Analytic Philosophy
- An Introduction to Hegel’s Science of Logic
- A Genealogy of Citizenship
- The Last Days of the Dialectic: An Historical and Philosophical Introduction to the Early Badiou’s Politics
- Gilles Deleuze: From Philosophy to Cinema
- Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus
- A Sceptical Style: Montaigne's Impressionism
- “A Thought from Outside:” the unthought in Blanchot, Foucault and Deleuze
- Madmen
- Castoriadis: a militant philosopher? Poiesis, Power and Historicity
- Plato and the Philosophy of the Unsayable: Discovering the radical Plato that Analytic Philosophy can never know
- Mythos and Logos: An Introduction to Philosophical Approaches to Myth
- Sartre’s Critique: The Dialectical Logic of Existential Marxism
- The Ambiguous Ethics and Politics of Simone de Beauvoir
- A philosopher, a painter and a poet walked into a pub... Part 2: Further conversations in thinking poetically
- Deleuze and Guattari’s Anti-Oedipus
- Elements of a Continental Philosophy of Economics
- Civilisation and its unease revisited
- Invaders from the Future: The CCRU's Writings and Their Legacy
- Tarkovsky’s Philosophical Portrait
- A philosopher, a painter and a poet walked into a pub... Conversations in thinking poetically
- Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics
- Enlightenment: Its Brief History
- The Communist Hypothesis: The Politics of Alain Badiou
- The Ecology of Latour: His metaphysics, theory of modernity, and environmental thought
- Deleuze's Logic of Sense
- From Maths to Madness, the work and thought of Ian Hacking
- Ancient Aesthetics
- Alienation and Estrangement in European Radical Philosophy
- The Postmodern: Looking to the past or going back to the future?
- Unknown Lands: Introduction to Nick Land's Accelerationist Philosophy
- From the Stellar Void to the Space of Reasons: how to read Ray Brassier
- Approaches to Marx's Capital Volume II
- Early Modern Rationalism
- Understanding Jean-François Lyotard’s Economic Philosophy
- Heidegger’s Alternative History of Time
- Nihilism and Platonism
- Kant's Aesthetics: The Beautiful, the Sublime, and the Aesthetic Ideas
- The Works of Gilles Deleuze, part 2 (1972-1994)
- On the real and the imaginary
- Poetry and Philosophy: From Plato and Homer to Heidegger and Celan
- Dostoevsky and Roberto Mangabeira Unger: An Approach to Time
- An Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics
- Bataille, Aesthetics, Erotics, and the Real
- A Show About Nothingness: Episodes From Jean-Paul Sartre’s Being and Nothingness
- The Limits to Scientific Reason – Habermas, Foucault, and Modernity
- Exilic Alliance: Diasporic Philosophy with Judith Butler
- Noise on the line: cybernetics, structuralism and beyond
- Deleuze Seminar 8: Influences and Themes 1
- The Works of Gilles Deleuze
- Fredric Jameson: An Examination of his Critical Theory
- Friedrich Schelling and "Philosophical Psychology"
- Introduction to the Philosophy of Raymond Ruyer
- Approaches to Marx's Capital Volume 1
- The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir
- 'Street-Fighters and Philosophers': Ecofeminism in the Anthropocene
- Georges Bataille and the Intoxication of Destruction
- Fernando Pessoa: Three Poets and an Existentialist Bookkeeper
- Bernard Stiegler: An Introduction
- Modern Poetry II
- Wittgenstein's Philosophies
- Hannah Arendt's contemplative turn and The Life of the Mind
- A Russian Nietzsche and a Russian Dostoevsky
- Heidegger, The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics
- Introduction to the Continental Philosophy of Music
- Marie José Mondzain: Image, Icon, Economy: the Byzantine Origins of the Contemporary Imaginary
- Deleuze and Guattari's Political Philosophy
- Marx, Nietzsche, Freud: on the (im)possible dream of freedom
- Reading Martin Heidegger's Being and Time Hermeneutics
- Spinoza and Politics
- Modern Poetry: a philosophical introduction
- Shame: A Philosophical Exploration
- Themes from Heidegger's Introduction to Metaphysics
- Philosophies of Self-Formation: Technologies of Self for the 21st Century
- Potentialities and Virtualities: Meillassoux on Mathematics, Literature, and Justice
- Phenomenology and the Visual Arts
- Anti-Platonism
- Nietzsche as Educator
- Problems and Concepts. Deleuze and ressentiment.
- Maurice Blanchot, The Infinite Conversation
- An Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics
- Modern Aesthetics: The fate of the beautiful and the autonomy of art
- After Foucault: Power, Politics and Resistance
- The Later Sartre
- Bernard Stiegler: from Technics and Time to The Automatic Society
- György Lukács: aesthetics, politics, philosophy
- Lyotard, Discourse, figure: desire, art and politics
- Towards a New Dialectical Materialism: Politics and Dialectics in the Early Work of Alain Badiou
- Nietzsche's Philosophy: An Opera in Five Acts / A Course in Twelve Weeks
- The Rhetorical Tradition: An Introduction
- Ethics, riots and the real: Badiou's 'politics'
- Selves and others: Phenomenological, psychological and neuroscientific perspectives
- The relational Forms of the Everyday I: Strangers and Friends
- Cinema's Naturalisms
- Hölderlin – Poetry and Modernity
- Post-secular Nietzsche
- Catherine Malabou: Philosopher of Mutable, Resistant and Explosive Form
- Thinking with Sex
- Art, Wisdom, Madness: "lost in the shadows of man"
- The Philosopher of Consciousness Meets the Antiphilosopher of the Unconscious: Sartre and Lacan
- Art / Philosophy
- Spinoza and Spinozisms
- Alain Badiou's Big Books Part 2: Being and Event
- Marcus Tullius Cicero: Philosopher, Statesman, Orator
- Alain Badiou's Interlocutors (Part 2)
- Unpacking Walter Benjamin's Library
- Georges Bataille: Economics and Eroticism
- Badiou and the Materialism of the Idea
- A Guess at the Riddle – An Introduction to the Philosophy of C.S.Peirce
- The Later Derrida
- Mathematics and the Infinite: An Introduction
- Appropriation and Authority in Maurice Blanchot
- St. Paul
- Philosophies of the Everyday: from Aesthetic Emancipations to Ethical Life
- The Concepts of Activity Theory
- The Works of Gilles Deleuze (Deleuze Seminar VII Part 2)
- Alain Badiou's Interlocutors (Part 1)
- So, what was the enlightenment?
- Alain Badiou's Big Books Part 1: Theory of the Subject
- Georges Bataille on Religion and the Sacred
- Education: The Rational Kernel of the Platonic Dialogues
- Plato's Symposium: Philosophy versus science, poetry, and politics
- Militant readings: politics and literature in 20th century French philosophy from Sartre to Rancière, Blanchot to Badiou.
- Introduction to Hegelian Aesthetics
- Adorno's Aesthetic Theory: "Plenipotentiary for the In-Itself that Does not Yet Exist"
- Giorgio Agamben's The Kingdom and the Glory
- Merleau-Ponty: Aesthetics and Primordial Percipience
- Education: Four Discourses
- Jean-Paul Sartre's Critique of Dialectical Reason, Volume 1: Theory of Practical Ensembles
- Deleuze's Bergsonism
- The Phaedrus: Plato's teaching on philosophy, love, poetry, and writing
- Women: Between Faith and Reason
- Castoriadis, Lefort, Abensour: Another Imaginary in French political thought
- Art and Politics: The Aesthetic Revolutions of Modernity
- Levinas and Blanchot on Image and Art
- Deleuze Seminar V: The Fold
- Albert Camus: Philosopher, Resistant, and Litterateur
- Spinoza: Passion, Politics and the Power of Reason
- Introduction to Abstract Market Theory
- What do we know? Aristotle and Bacon on the Nature of Knowing
- Anarchist Views on the Nation-State
- An Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics
- After Foucault: Maurizio Lazzarato and Contemporary Critiques of Capitalism
- Plato’s Theory of Forms
- Schelling’s Philosophy of Mythology
- Preparatory Fundamental Analysis of Dasein
- The Philosophy of Angels
- Aristotelian Antics – An Introduction to the Stagirite and his Islamic and Christian heirs
- Heidegger on Technology and Dwelling
- The Thought of Georges Bataille
- Subterranean Passages: The Gothic and Philosophy
- The Freudian Subject: A Radical Reappraisal
- The New Receptions of Jacques Derrida
- ‘Who is Frantz Fanon?’ ‘Oh, my body, always make me a man who questions’.
- Luce Irigaray's Speculum of the Other Woman
- Figure, sensation, colour: Deleuze’s Francis Bacon
- Locating the Posthumanities
- Philosophy under condition: how art “thinks” in Alain Badiou’s L'immanence des vérités
- Living Grounds: Emergence, Complexity, and Narrative in the early 20th Century
- Anarchy as a Way of Life
- Towards a Genealogy of Peace: Ambrogio Lorenzetti and Pico della Mirandola
- Primitive communism: The genealogy of an idea
- Classic Films for Teenage Girls: A Deleuzean Approach to the “Woman’s Film” of the 1940s
- Objective Mind in Hegel
- Sitemap
- Marion Tapper